Monday, August 9, 2010

Tool #10 Exploring Mobile Technology and Apps

1. I downloaded 3 free apps to my Iphone so I could play with them and experience what they where like. My favorite one was called Find Sums. As a Kinder teacher I would introduce it later in the second semester once the students have had experience making sets to ten and using a ten frame. They will also need to recognize the corresponding numerals to 10. This game reenforces these concepts. The top part has a ten frame and the bottom has number tiles. If you press the number 5 five red apples appear. You have to think: How many more apples to make 10? Then click another 5. Five green apples appear and those tiles will disapear. Continue with another number combination that makes 10 until all of the tiles have been used.

2. I've had an Iphone since May of this year and I love it. I am amazed at what it can do. As far as "educational games" are concerned I like playing Words With Friends with my brother and my mom. The IPhone is also very user friendly and interactive. I can definitely envision students working with Ipod Touches in the classroom.

3. I plan on using the Ipod Touches to extend skills learned. The key will be finding lots of good aps. I currently have Tetris and Labyrinth which work on spacial awareness and motor control, the afore mentioned math Ap, and a reader that reads books to you in English, (although the read alouds on the Scholastic Website are better). For starters students in my classroom will use them during Bilingual Centers.

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