Monday, August 9, 2010

Tool #9 Jing and Skype

1. Jing is handy for information sharing without having to create a document. I imagine I will use this tool mostly with other teachers as we plan together. I can't see myself using it with the students as we have a lot of computer basics to cover. For some reason this feels like a more advanced skill. Maybe another teacher will enlighten me though. :)

2. I liked the suggestions to use Skype for read alouds with authors.... Also, since we study different professions and we could call offices and set up Skype conferences for interviews. I agree that it's a good idea to chat with different classes, but I have a lot more questions about that than answers. I did see a lot of enthusiasm about Skype when I read coworkers' blogs so I'm exited to hear their ideas when we meet up in person later this week.

3. I downloaded both Skype and Jing to the work PC. I took a picture of my screen using Jing and emailed the link to my husband just to try it out. It's cool. Skype is having trouble connecting right now, but I have a personal account and I use it to talk to a friend of mine in Germany. Also, a few summers ago I traveled to Spain, Germany and Uganda and used Skype to talk to my family at home. It's really neat to be able to do that. This type of cross-continent connection will be exiting for the students. My biggest question is how do you connect with classes over-seas? And that leads me to the following two questions: What should we discuss and how does it tie into the curriculum? Food for thought. I welcome any comments on this one.

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